Placement assistance is offered to those students who successfully complete their course and qualify as per the hiring Employer / Company's requirements & regulations.
Current / On-Going Placement Opportunties
Upcoming Placement Opportunities -
Interested Students may first approach their respective Heads of the Departments & Principal or Placement Assistance Team of their respective Academy.
Past Students who have recently passed out are also eligible to apply.
All eligible Applicants must submit CV by email to their respective Academy’s official Email ID. CV must be only a single page without any grammar mistakes.
Training and the Short-Listing process will be done by the respective Academy's Head of the Department / responsible Faculty Members prior to forwarding them to the HR.
For any further clarifications please email us - or approach us at the Admissions / Placements Assistance office.
If you wish to check the total list of companies that have hired from Hindustan Academy managed Institutions from 2017 to till date, please directly visit the Placement Assistance office.
"If you wish to receive notifications regarding Job Opportunities, please register here. This facility is available only to Alumni Members. Please Register to become an Alumni Member."