BCA - Bachelor of Computer Applications is a full-time undergraduate degree course affiliated with Bengaluru North University.
A BCA degree is considered at par with a B.Tech/BE degree in Computer Science or Information Technology. The degree helps interested students set up a sound academic base for an advanced career in Computer Applications, Software Development, IT Analysis, Web Development, Software publishing, Artificial Intelligence, etc. This course bridges the gap between IT industries and Institutes by incorporating the latest developments into the curriculum. An exclusive and well-equipped lab for the department with a network of the latest Client-based computers and software installed, provides hands-on training in various fields of computers, for a very fast leased internet line which helps the students to update themselves with the recent trends in the industry. The College has a placement cell to guide our young software professionals seeking, career opportunities in the IT industry.
With a BCA degree, candidates can find lucrative job opportunities in the private and public sectors.
Some of the job profiles that our Students have been placed in:
Pass 10 + 2 (or equivalent) from any Board
Pass Diploma approved by any AICTE or DTE Board
Student of NIOS / Vocational / Related Courses in India / Abroad is required to get the Certification in their Institutional Letter-Head in the prescribed format given below and submit to Hindustan Business School at the time of admission.
" This is to certify that Mr/Ms......................S/o or D/o ...................... has studied NIOS/Vocational course at our Institution ............................ (Institution name) with the subject and this course is equivalent to 10+2/HSE/Equivalent Board and he/she is eligible for further any UG Degree full-time program in any state-recognised university in India.
Signature of Head of the Institution with Seal "
If you have any further doubts, please feel free to contact our admission desk in-charge Mr M Paul (+91) 8971404357 and Mr Benil Benjamin (+91) 9740037853 via WhatsApp.
Direct line access Monday to Friday - 9 am to 5 pm & Saturday - 9 am to 1 pm.